Pool Clean Up Days

2025 Pool Grounds

Our 2024 Season was fantastic.

Please stay tuned for 2025 Clean Up plans. 

Thank you to everyone who helped get our grounds looking their best this year. 

Grounds Contact: Wells Wilson at nssc.grounds@gmail.com  or  (‭703) 915-3318‬

:: Information on Annual Clean Up Days prior to Opening Day ::

Clean-Up Day (Seasonal & Multi-Year Members)

All Multi-Year members are asked to volunteer a minimum of 4 hours (per membership, must be 15 years or older to count towards the 4 hours) or pay a cleanup fee of $50. (If the fee is not paid by Opening Day, it will increase to $65.) We would love to see everyone help get our member-run pool ready for the season! Seasonal members will earn 10 guest passes.

Notes About Clean-Up Days

We ask that you bring appropriate tools if you have unique skills you are volunteering to do. If working with mulch pitch forks, garden rakes, and wheelbarrows are always needed; we have other garden tools and supplies for jobs. PLEASE mark your equipment so it can be returned to you.

Water and enthusiasm are provided!

 **Clean-Up Fees can be paid on the Payment page